Splash Into Summer Drive

Splash Into Summer was held today, so thank you to the American Legion Post 193 for allowing us to use the hall – as always.
We also need to thank our usual people — Will Brown for our website; New England Wooden Ware for our Toy Town Boxes for our Stateside packages and Sweet Treat Bakery for shrink wrapping and delivering our order of cookies. Thank you to Richard Creamer for the packing tape. Thanks to the Leominster Chapter of the Blue Star Mothers for their generous donation of Texas Roadhouse Gift Cards!
A huge thank you goes to GFA Federal Credit Union for all of the time that they worked on getting donations – monetary and items, pictures from the children as well as volunteering and helping to get everything separated and packaged up today!
We appreciate everyone who came out today to drop off donations or work. We couldn’t do it without you.. Thank you so much. If your name is not on this list, it was not intentional. Perhaps you forgot to sign in.
Abigail & Sophie Field, Karin & Brian Forgues; GFA: Hannah Dongelontonio, Lisa Ellison, Paula Enright, Dawn Marino and Miss Mikayla; Joni Gorecki; Julie Holly; Anthony LaPointe; Debra LeRay Unit 193; Steve & Bethany McCormick, Memorial School: Mrs. Duprey & Grade 2, Mrs. Musgrove & Grade 2 and Mrs. Slomcheck; Cathy Sevigny and David L. Sevigny Inc.; John Walker and Wal Mart in Rindge, New Hampshire.
Our 8 overseas service members received 2 boxes each and our 16 stateside service members each received a package.
Please stop by our table at Winchendon’s Summer Solstice to write a note of thanks or draw a picture for our troops that we will add to our August 27th packages. You can also donate to our mailing costs as well as take a chance on our raffle!
Also, mark your calendars for Saturday, August 27th for our “Celebrating You on Labor Day” Drive.